Cristina & Sergio – Spania

We all belong to our own and unique Creative Universe, in conjunction with others, and reflection of our personality. Art Toy Maison is the way to present our point of view of this Universe.

Within this Universe are Mageritdoll and Miscelanius Ganekogorta. They are our own characters. And they like interact with each other, but also with characters from other artists, and with other Art Toys that we like to customize.

With all these Art Toys we like to creating stories.

Since 2005 that we started working on our first character, Mageritdoll, we have been developing ourselves and working and collaborating with other artists linked to other disciplines such as photography, illustration …

Art Toy Gama Collective is our latest Artistic Project from March 2014.

This Collective aims to be a Worldwide Network of talent Art Toy Community. And we are people with experience and own knowledge, with an international vocation, and searching for new creative challenges and experiment and innovate … Promoting dialogue and interaction between the members and other disciplines and artists around the world in order to generate collective creative experimentation processes and exceptional Artistic Projects based on innovation.

We are Cristina & Sergio.

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